Dairy cooperative society‘s role cannot be downplayed especially in the milk industry
value chain. From the production to the marketing stages they have focussed on not only
availing feeds but also distribution of processed products. They have also all along played
the stakeholder role of representing the farmers view in the political segment both at the
local and national level. Although, SACCOs are meant to ensure that their members‘
objectives are met and needs taken care of, performance in dairy cooperative societies in
Kenya has been deteriorating for quite some time. Despite there being good Dairy
SACCOs guidelines, there has been continuous poor performance of these SACCOs. To
establish the factors leading to the indicated poor performance of Dairy Cooperative
Societies a study was conducted. The studies objective included the following; to
establish the effect of marketing strategies on the performance of Dairy SACCOs, and to
investigate the effect of product innovations on the performance of dairy cooperative
societies in Meru County. The study made use of descriptive research design to enable
the description of the variables under study. The target population for this study
comprised of the 288 management staff of the Dairy Cooperative societies in Meru
County. The number of respondents to be involved in the study was established through
stratified random sampling methodology. The sample size of the study was 87
respondents who comprised senior managers involved in management of the Dairy
Cooperative Societies in Meru County. Data was collected by use of structured
questionnaire that was self-administered. The collected and edited data was analysed
using an analytical computer programme - Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS
Version 22.0). Descriptive statistics such as measures of central tendencies and
dispersion which include; mean, percentages, and standard deviation were applied to
describe the collected data while correlation, chi-square and regression analysis
represented inferential statistics. Statistical tests were carried out to establish the
significance of the study models more so by application of the p-value. The response rate
of the administered questionnaires stood at 82.7%. The study established a positive and
significant relationship between the independent variables (marketing strategies and
product innovation) and the dependent variable performance of Dairy Cooperative
Societies. The coefficient of determination was at 83%, an indicator that the two
variables explained more than eighty percent of variance in the performance of Dairy
Cooperative Societies. The p-value and regression coefficients generated after running
the regression model were as follows; for marketing strategies (β= 0.128, p= 0.006) and
for the product innovation was (β= 0.213, p=0.031). The study concluded that marketing
strategies and product innovations are vital in improving the performance of the Dairy
Cooperative Societies within Meru County. The study recommends that additional
marketing strategies like relationship marketing and digital marketing strategies should
be applied in light of the dynamic and changing market environment. The study also
recommends the need to develop new products and systems innovations sections or
departments focusing on innovations within the societies. This will help in harnessing the
employee‘s ideas and those gathered through various marketing strategies and eventually
transforming them to marketable products.