Background: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) sufers from a dearth of concrete information on the causes of women’s
under-representation in scientifc research workforce particularly at higher levels compared with the wealth of infor mation that exists in the global north. The goal of this study was to illuminate familial and socio-cultural drivers that
contribute to intersectional gender inequities in scientifc career progression in SSA to inform strategies that could
promote career equity for African scientifc researchers.
Methods: This study was nested within the context of ‘Developing Excellence in Leadership, Training and Science
in Africa’ (DELTAS Africa)—a health-based scientifc research capacity strengthening initiative. It adopted an explora tory qualitative cross-sectional study design. In-depth interviews were conducted among 58 (32 Female and 26 Male)
trainees/research fellows at various career stages, afliated to three purposively selected African Research Consortia.
The interviews were conducted between May and December 2018 in English. The data were analysed inductively
based on emergent themes.
Results: The study participants were nationals of thirteen SSA countries. More female than male participants had
young children. Four themes were identifed. They illustrate women’s and men’s characterisation of the normative
career pathway and progression requirements which calls for signifcant ‘time’ commitments (theme 1), and how
social power relations of gender within the family and wider society shapes their participation in scientifc research
activities (theme 2). This culminates in researchers’’ diferential experiences of navigating between the ‘two diferent
lives’—family and career, and the resultant implications for their career progression and personal well-being (theme
3). Women researchers made diferent and conscious trade-ofs for navigating the ‘two diferent lives’ by utilising
various metaphors such as the ‘biological clock and career clock’, the ‘glass ball and rubber ball’, and the concept of
‘sacrifce’ (theme 4).
Conclusions: This study is the frst of its kind to demonstrate how intersectional gender analysis through use of
qualitative research methods may provide novel insights into the hidden familial and socio-cultural drivers of gender
inequitable scientifc research career progression. It ofers important policy and practice measures and approaches for
fostering career equity for women and men scientists within research capacity strengthening initiatives in SSA